Decision n° 0549/ELECAM/DGE of 27 Septembre 2012 ordering the recompilation of electoral registers

The Director General of Election hereby decides as follows:

Section 1: (1) the recompilation of electoral registers is hereby ordered, from the period of 2 October 2012 to 28 February 2013, across the national territory.

(2) If deemed necessary, the abovementioned period may be extended by thirty (30) days maximum.

Section 2: (1) the electoral register recompilation operations shall begin within councils at regional headquarters and shall be progressively extended to other councils.

(2) The aforementioned operations shall consist in the enrolment, using the biometric technology, within the period prescribed under section 1 above, of all citizens of voting age and who meet the required conditions.

Section 3: the biometric technology refered to under section 2 above shall be composed, inter alia of:

– Enrolment kits, each comprising an impermeable valise made up of a micro-computer, a camera, a fingerprint scanner and an enrolment receipt printer ;

– Election data processing techniques, notably composed of AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) essential to the quest for duplicates ;

– Voter card and electoral register printing systems.

Section 4: Within frame work of the abovementioned operation, enrolment shall be conducted at the level of council branches and mobile teams of Elections Cameroon, in collaboration with Commissions charged with the Revision of Electoral Registers.

Section 5: enrolment on electoral registers shall be conducted with the effective presence of the voter, in possession of his national Identity card or a valid receipt testifying to application for the said card.

Section 6: the enrolment process for every voter shall respect the procedure below:

– entry of the number of the national Identity card or of the valid application receipt of the said card;

– Capture of the voter’s digital photograph with the camera;

– Capture of the voter’s fingerprints with the scanner;

– Entry of the voter’s biographic data (full names, date and place of birth, parentage, occupation, residence…)

– Immediate issuing of the enrolment receipt bearing the photograph (black and white).

Section 7: all through the abovementioned enrolment process:

– The passport-sized photograph must show the full face of the voter as well as his ears ;

– The voter’s fingerprints must be completely shown by the scanner.

Section 8: The wearing of unusual dressing items such as caps/hats, eyeshades and related items shall be prohibited. Headscarves, turbans, headgears, skull caps and se-through eyeglasses shall, however, be tolerated where they allow for full visibility of the voter’s face and ears.

Section 9: to avoid subsequent complaints regarding his identification data, every voter should, before leaving the place of enrolment, verify the conformity of his biographic data entered in the enrolment kit.

Section 10: any voter, who shall get himself falsely enrolled on an electoral register, shall be liable to sanctions laid down under section 122 of the Penal Code.

Section 11: the recompilation of electoral registers involving Cameroonian citizens settled or residing abroad shall be defined under special provisions.

Section 12: Branch officials of Elections Cameroon shall be responsible each within his area of competence, for the implementation of this decision, which shall be registered and published wherever necessary.

Yaoundé, 27 September 2012

The Director General of Elections