(Open or restricted) National Invitation to tender N0………….
(Type: OINT, RINT) CA or DCA) TB (financial year)
Of (date of signature of the tender notice) for (‘Subject of the Invitation to tender)

Financing: …………………………………..

1) Subject of the invitation to tender

Within the framework of (to be specified) the (contracting Authority or Delegated Contracting Authority) hereby launches an invitation to tender).

(Specify in the case of Restricted Invitation to tender that “this invitation to tender is launched following the request for manifestation if interest No……… of……..published on………. In…………..)

2) Nature of services

The services of this contract include: (supply, transportation, handling and reception of equipment.

3) Participation and origin :

Participation in this invitation to tender is open to (specify the quality of the service providers concerned) of the restricted to (list of pre-qualified candidates)

4) Financing :

Supplies which form the subject of this invitation to tender shall be financial by (funding source) of the……….financial year; Budget head n°……………………

5) Consultation of tender file

The file may be consulted during working hours at (place of consultation of tender file (service, door number, post, box, telephone, email) as soon as this notice is published.

6) Acquisition of tender file

The file may be obtained from (place of obtention of tender file (service, door number, post box, telephone, fax, email) as soon as this notice is published against payment of a non refundable sum of…………CFA francs, payable at (place of payment of purchase fees(2).

7) Submission of offers

Each offer drafted in English or French in (x number of copies) copies inclusing the original and (…) copies marked as such, should reach (place of registration of offers) not later than (deadline for receipt of offers) at (time limit) and should carry the inscription:

Invitation to tender N°……………………. /Type: (N, O, R)
(Type: OINT, RINT) (CA or DCA) TB
(Financial year) of/(date of signature of tender notice)
FOR (subject of invitation to tender)

“To be opened only during the bid-opening session”

8) Admissibility of offers

Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank approved by the Ministry in charge of finance featuring on the list in document 12 of the tender file of an amount of (indicate the amount (indicate the amount for each lot, where need be in CFA francs; it is not more than 2% of estimated cost, inclusive of all taxes (IAT) of the contract in accordance with the order in force) and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the validity of the offers.

Under pain of being rejected, only originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or administrative authorities (Senior Divisional Officers, Divisional Officers….) of the administrative documents required, inclusing the bid bond, must imperatively be produced in accordance whih the special Conditions of the invitation to tender. They must obligatorily not be older than three (3) months or must not be produced after the signing of the tender file.

Any often not in conformity with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance or the non respect of the models of the tender file documents shall lead to a pure and simple rejection of the without any appeal being entertained.

9) Opening of bids

The bids shall be opened in (single or two) phase(s).
(The opening of all bids in a single phase is carried out where the qualification criteria do not pose any problem in their application).

The opening of the administrative documents and technical (and/or) financial offers (technical and financial if the opening is single phase, technical only if the opening is two-phase) on…………………..at……………… o’clock local time by the Tender Board of (contracting Authority or Delegated Contracting Authority) in the (……..) hall.

Only bidders may attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice.

(The opening of the bid-opening session must be done not later than one hour after the time-imit for the submission of bids as specified in the tender file)

10) Delivery deadline

The maximum delivery deadline provided for by the contracting Authority shall be (indicated the deadline by lot, where need be)…………….Months;

11) Main eliminatory criteria

The aim of these criteria is to identify and reject incomplete offers or offers not in conformity whit the essential conditions laid down in the tender file relating especially to admissibility of administrative documents, conformity of the technical offer whit the technical specifications, to the delivery deadline referred to in the tender file and the qualification of candidates)

12) Main qualification criteria

The criteria relating to the qualification of candidates could indicatively be on the following:

– Turnover yes/no ;

– Access to a credit or other financial resources yes/no ;

– Supplier’s reference yes/no ;

– Availability of material and essential equipment yes/no ;

– Experience of supervisory stall yes/no ;

– Authorization of manufacturer yes/no ;

– Availability of spare parts yes/no ;

– After-sales service yes/no.

The non respect of x number of criteria (x being above or equal to 1) shall cause the elimination of the offer.

(Indicate the main qualification criteria which show that the bidders have the technical capacities and required resources to execute the contract fully. These criteria are given in detail in article 6(1) of the Special Conditions of the Invitation to Tender)

(The making scale for offers by award of points is proscribed in favour of the binary method (yes or no)

13) Maximum number of lots (where applicable)

(In case of division into lots, indicate the maximum number of lots a bidder may be awarded).

(The contracting Authority or Delegated Contracting Authority must specify in the Special Conditions the conditions to fulfill in order to be awarded more than one lot).

14) Validity of offers

Bidders will remain committed to their offers for (indicate the duration between 60 and 90 days for ONIT and 120 days for OIIT) from the deadline set for the submission of tender.

15) Complementary information

Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from (service, door number, post box, telephone, fax, email).

(Place and date of signature)
(Signature, name and stamp of the Contracting Authority
Or Delegated Contracting Authority)

– ARMP (for publication and archiving)
– Chairpersons of TB and where need be the SCCB(for information)
– Notice boards (for information)
– Contracts service (for information).